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how Bitcoin works (short and simple)

Bitcoin is a digital currency that allows people to make transactions without relying on banks or governments. It’s like regular money, but it only exists online.

When you want to use Bitcoin, you need a digital wallet. This is where you can store your Bitcoin, just like a real wallet stores your cash.

Now, the way Bitcoin is created is by a process called mining. Miners are special computers that solve really complicated math problems to create new Bitcoin. These math problems are so hard that only the most powerful computers can solve them, and that’s why miners have to be specially designed for this job.

When a miner solves a math problem, it’s rewarded with some new Bitcoin. This is how new Bitcoin is created and added to the total number of Bitcoins that exist.

Once a new Bitcoin is created, it’s added to a big public record book called the blockchain. This book keeps track of every transaction that has ever happened using Bitcoin. It’s like a big, digital ledger that everyone can see.

But not just anyone can add to the blockchain. Only certain computers called nodes are allowed to do that. These nodes work together to make sure that each new transaction is real and not a fake. They do this by verifying that the sender has enough Bitcoin to make the transaction and that the transaction isn’t a double-spend (meaning the same Bitcoin is spent twice).

Once the nodes all agree that a transaction is real, it’s added to the blockchain. And once it’s on the blockchain, it can’t be changed or deleted. This makes the blockchain a secure way to keep track of all Bitcoin transactions.

So that’s how Bitcoin works! It’s a digital currency that’s created by powerful computers called miners, and it’s controlled by a network of nodes that work together to make sure everything is real and legit.

Generated by ChatGPT answering to “Explain how Bitcoin works, including the role of Bitcoin mining and Bitcoin nodes”


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